Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Please complete the form below to submit your Lanark County Community Climate Grant Application.

Project Contact Person/Organization

Sponsoring Organization (if applicable)

Applicant Profile

Project Overview

Merit of Funding

Project Budget

Provide a dollar amount and description for each applicable expenditure category below. Be specific about the expenditures (e.g., for salaries, list the positions and level of pay; for purchase of service, list the type of service and the cost; etc.). The Community Climate Grant will not fund 100% of the project budget. In kind donations (e.g., staff or volunteer time, existing equipment or office supplies, donated goods, etc.) count towards the project budget. 

Less total funding requested/received from other contributors for this project (list below). This can include in-kind donations.

Note: The costs of your project must be kept separate from your group's everyday, ongoing expenses.


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All required information must be submitted with proposals before consideration is given to projects. 

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